Bonus Newsletter Edition: You Are Invited To The Evorra Q&A
We are sending out a bonus edition of the FirstPartyCapital newsletter this week, inviting all readers to our upcoming Evorra Q&A session.
Evorra, a next generation clean room platform, is a FirstPartyCapital portfolio that is currently raising a round on our platform.
The session takes place on Wednesday, 9am GMT. Sign up here to learn more about this clean room solution -
Why should you care as an investor about Evorra?
Evorra (, is looking to productise the “clean room”, addressing how the $200 billion plus data market moves into the privacy-first era.
Evorra aggregates. It joins data using strict privacy controls. It segments. And then it pushes into walled-garden environments, avoiding any nasty privacy disasters on the open web.
Evorra enables publishers to monetise their data; buyers get to scale their data-driven marketing across multiple channels.
Think Exelate (a $200 million plus dollar exit) - but in this case wholly focused on privacy.
BUT HOLD ON… I’ve Not Yet Signed Up To The FPC syndicate. Can I still access this Q&A?
This is not a problem. We are opening up the syndicate to everyone in the industry from this week - WITH NO COMMITMENTS required for the syndicate or the FirstPartyCapital fund. You invest in the companies you want. More on this in Friday’s edition.
Just sign up for this Q&A webinar, and we will send you details on how to join our growing FPC syndicate.
In case you missed it above, here is the link for the Evorra Q&A -
Look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday at 9am GMT.